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Number of items: 73.


ALT The wireless network just worked. Association for Learning Technology.

ALT, ALT ALT-C 2011 Conference Guide. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.

ALT, ALT ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers - full document. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate. (Unpublished)

ALT, ALT ALT-C 2012 Conference Guide. In: ALT-C 2012 - a confrontation with reality.

ALT, ALT ALT-C 2012 Conference Proceedings. In: ALT-C 2012 - a confrontation with reality.

ALT, ALT Document describing the winning entries to the 2012 ALT Learning Technologist of the Year Award. In: ALT-C 2012 - a confrontation with reality. (Unpublished)

ALT, ALT Document detailing the winners of the Google/ALT “Apps in Learning and Teaching” competition. ALT. (Unpublished)

ALT, ALT Learning design for online courses: a webinar with Diana Laurillard. In: Learning design for online courses: a webinar with Diana Laurillard, 31 January 2013, Online. (Unpublished)

ALT, ALT Research Papers Template for altc2013. ALT.

Arati, Danny and Todorova, Albena and Merrett, Ruth ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0160 Implementation and sustainability of a global ICT company’s programme to help teachers integrate technology into learning and teaching in Germany, France and the UK. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.


Bacon, Liz and Windall, Gill and MacKinnon, Lachlan ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0151 The Development of a Rich Multimedia Training Environment for Crisis Management: Using Emotional Affect to Enhance Learning. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.

Bain, Yvonne ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0136 Learning Through Online Discussion: A Framework Evidenced in Learners' Interactions. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.

Banks, Bob and Salmon, Gilly Learning environments.

Barker, Daniel A Rough Guide To Google Analytics (recording made in Blackboard Collaborate). In: A Rough Guide to Google Analytics.

Bell, Frances and Rennie, Frank Using social software in learning.

Berry, Miles and Brooks, Bernadette and Coombs, Steven and Deepwell, Maren and Jennings, David and Schmoller, Seb and Slater, John and Twining, Peter and Webb, Jan Better Learning through Technology – a report from the SchoolsTech Conversation run by Naace and ALT between January and March 2012. ALT.

Browes, Howard and Harrison, Bob and Duffy, Ciara and Bartholomew, Paul Large Scale Curriculum Redesign Conference: Continuing the Conversation. In: Large Scale Curriculum Redesign Conference: Continuing the Conversation.


Cochrane, Thomas and Narayan, Vickel ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0094 DeFrosting Professional Development: Reconceptualising Teaching using Social Learning Technologies. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.

Collins, Trevor and Joiner, Richard and White, Alice and Braidley, Lindsay ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0135 School trip photomarathons: Engaging primary school visitors using a topic focused photo competition. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.

Creanor, Linda and Dyet, David and Slater, John and Schmoller, Seb and Members of the ALT Scotland Group, . An ALT response to the Scottish Government's White Paper - Putting Learners at the Centre: Delivering our ambitions for Post-16 Education. ALT.


Deepwell, Maren ALT Learning Environment Review SIG (LERSIG). Documentation. Association for Learning Technology.

Donovan, Kevin and Schmoller, Seb Understanding the potential role of membership organisations in the sustainable spread of innovation. Project Report. ALT. (Submitted)


Egan, L Jorum Learning and Teaching Competition 2010 - Winners. Jorum Learning and Teaching Competition. (Submitted)


fox, melanie Review of ALT-C 2009 Multimedia Information & Technology Publication (February 2010). Multimedia Information & Technology. (In Press)


Garnett, Fred and Ecclesfield, Nigel ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0199 A Framework for Co-creating Open Scholarship. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.

Gorjian, Bahman ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0001 Using Hypermedia Annotations to Teach Vocabulary on the Web. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.

Green, Cable Creative Commons, Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Policy (webinar recording made in elluminate). In: Creative Commons, Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Policy: A webinar with Cable Green.


Harris, Steve Getting Started with Serious Games webinar presentation: Steve Harris. In: ALT/eln Webinar - Getting Started with Serious Games (19 October 2011).

Harris, Steven and Hewitt, Scott Getting Started with Serious Games webinar recording (made in Elluminate). In: ALT/eln Webinar - Getting Started with Serious Games (19 October 2011).

Hawkridge, David and Ng, Kia and Verjans, Steven ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: Editorial. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.

Hawksey, Martin and Deepwell, Maren Introducing the Maths App Index. In: Introducing the Maths App Index.

Hawksey, Martin S ALT-MEMBER Responses to Jisc Private Consultation on Code of Practice for Learning Analytics. Other. ALT.

Hewitt, Scott Getting Started with Serious Games webinar presentation: Scott Hewitt. In: ALT/eln Webinar - Getting Started with Serious Games (19 October 2011).


Jones, Chris and Kennedy, Gregor ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0156 Stepping beyond the paradigm wars: Pluralist methods for research in learning technology. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.


Kerrigan, Mark and Clements, Mark and Gamble, Mark and Karimjee, Rae and Lindsay, Sian and Newman-Ford, Loretta and Papaefthimiou, Maria and Walker, Simon and Saunders, Gunter ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0161 The Making Assessment Count (MAC) Consortium – Maximising Assessment & Feedback Design by Working Together. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.

Kheir Abadi, Maryam and Alsop, Graham ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0137 Analysing tools to support future learning Programming. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.

Kohl, Kerstin Eleonora ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0079 Fostering Academic Competence or Putting Students Under General Suspicion? Voluntary Plagiarism Control of Scientific Papers by Means of a Web-based Plagiarism Detection System. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.


Littlejohn, Allison and Cook, John Learning objects and repositories.

Luckin, Rose Joint response to the Royal Society’s call for views: Vision for science and mathematics education 5-19. ALT.


Mason, Robin and Rennie, Frank Web-based course design.

Mercier, Emma and Burd, Liz Learning in the classroom of the future. In: Learning in the classroom of the future. (Unpublished)

Mistry, Virendra ScaLe with Twitter - Clinical Scenarios. [Video] (Submitted)


Nichol, David Technology-supported assessment.


Pearce, Nick and Tan, Elaine ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0174 YouTube in the classroom: Exploring the opportunities and barriers to the use of YouTube in teaching introductory sociology to mature and international students. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.


Raffaghelli, Juliana E. and Cucchiara, Stefania and Manganello, Flavio and Persico, Donatella Different views on Digital Scholarship: separate worlds or cohesive research field? Research in Learning Technology, 24. ISSN 2156-7077

Rennie, Frank and Keppell, Mike On-line communities.


Salmon, Gilly and Keppell, Mike Tutoring on-line.

Schmoller, Seb ALT response to Department of Business Innovation and Skills consultation on legislation to address illicit peer-to-peer file-sharing. ALT. (Unpublished)

Schmoller, Seb An ALT response to Ofsted's consultation on the Common Inspection Framework for the Learning and Skills Sector. ALT.

Schmoller, Seb AoC and ALT response to the Royal Society's call for evidence about the teaching of computing in schools. Working Paper. Association for Learning Technology and Association of Colleges.

Schmoller, Seb Making 'Research in Learning Technology' Open Access. In: The Conference of the Open Access Publishers Association, 21 September 2011, Tallinn. (Unpublished)

Schmoller, Seb Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide ALT with webinar, webcasting, and event-recording and publishing services. Documentation. ALT.

Schmoller, Seb Sitting in a bar with a really smart friend. What can Stanford’s free computer science courses tell us about the future of online learning? In: LSIS Conference "Technology for Success", 8 March 2012. (Unpublished)

Schmoller, Seb Technology in learning. Working Paper. Association for Learning Technology and Technology Enhanced Learning Research Programme.

Schmoller, Seb and Slater, John An ALT response to the Research Excellence Framework 2014 draft panel criteria and working methods. ALT.

Seale, Jane Plenary Presentation. In: Rewiring Inclusion, 9 February 2010, National College for School Leadership, Nottingham, UK.

Seth, Rohit Zinc deficiency induces apoptosis via mitochondrial p53- and caspase-dependent pathways in human neuronal precursor cells. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology.

Sharples, Mike and Kukuluska-Hulme, Agnes Learning using mobile and handheld devices.

Slater, John Evidence-based policy development in Learning Technology. ALT.

Slater, John Response of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) to the 31 Mar 2010 consultation on proposals on copyright and educational exceptions. Discussion Paper. ALT.

Slater, John and Schmoller, Seb The place of Computer Science in the National Curriculum for England. ALT.

Smith, Andrew ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0081 Development of a simulated Internet for education. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.

Stevens, A ALT Document describing the winning entries to the 2013 ALT Learning Technologist of the Year Award. In: ALT-C 2013 - Building new cultures of learning. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Stevens, A ALT Document describing the winning entries to the 2014 ALT Learning Technologist of the Year Award. In: ALT-C 2014 - Riding giants. Association for Learning Technology.

Stewart, Iain and McKee, William and Porteous, Kevin ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0218 Towards a personalised learning mesh: The implementation of a low overhead, multipath learning tool. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.

Strachan, Rebecca and Liyanage, Lalith and Casselden, Biddy and Penlington, Roger ALT-C 2011 Proceedings Papers: 0126 Effectiveness of technology to support work based learning: the stakeholders’ perspective. In: ALT-C 2011 Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate.


Various, Various The South Yorkshire e-Inclusion Projects. Project Report. South Yorkshire eLearning Programme.


Wesch, Michael Mediated Culture/Mediated Education. Powerpoint presentation. In: ALT-C 2009 "In dreams begins responsibility" - choice, evidence and change, 8 - 10 September 2009, Manchester.

Whalley, Brian Learning acceptance of on-line learning and e-learning.

Wright, Clayton R. Educational Technology and Education Conferences, January to June 2016. ALT. (Unpublished)

Wright, Clayton R. Educational Technology and Education Conferences, June to December 2012. ALT. (Unpublished)

Wright, Clayton R. Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for June to December 2015. ALT.

Wright, Clayton R. Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for July to December 2010. In: Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 04:26:56 2025 GMT.